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Redactive takes to the streets of Whitechapel for charity treasure hunt


On Thursday 6 September the Redactive team took to the streets of Whitechapel for a professions-themed treasure hunt, the top prize being £250 donated to a charity of the winners’ choice. Designed to get Redactive staffers more familiar with the local area, the treasure hunt involved fancy dress, local landmarks and more than a few pubs.

As trades and professions are the foundation of Redactive’s client base, each team was given a trade or profession to dress up as along with a list of tasks to complete. Many of the tasks involved taking photos, the (often hilarious) results of which can be viewed here.

The winners were announced over a pint at the Princess of Prussia pub, with two teams clinching the top prize in a surprise tie; the athletes team donated their half of the £250 prize money to ASTRiiD while the emergency services team donated theirs to Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity.

Here’s to next year’s treasure hunt! 🍻



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